Necessary Terpenes in Marijuana & Whey They Are Important


When you go for opening a jar of fresh Sour Diesel buds. Your nostrils will certainly fill up with skunky fumes from myrcene. Myrcene is a widely popular and abundant terpene. Terpenes serve plants with their characteristic scents. As
cannabis is a plant it possesses more than 200 terpenes. The scents assist in attracting pollinators to the marijuana plant. More crucially, they are possessing therapeutic properties. These properties will assist in the treatment of numerous medical conditions.

The difference between Terpenes & Terpenoids

You might have heard that sometimes terpenes refer to terpenoids in particular forums. However, there is a bit difference between these two things. Terpenes are hydrocarbons. On the other hand, terpenoids have undergone oxidation through exposure to sunlight. You can find terpenoids in the marijuana plants that have undergone curing. Terpenes may also be popular as terps.

Terpenes & The Entourage Effect

As we have already mentioned that, terpenes facilitate therapeutic value to the marijuana plant. You can harness these in the treatment of numerous ailments. You can also combine terpene with other compounds found in the marijuana plant. These are for offering more powerful and durable healing effects. These are popular by the name entourage effect. Cannabinoids are other therapeutic compounds found in the marijuana plant. For numerous years, these are in use as a healing agent.

It was a belief before 2015, that pure isolates serve with greater healing properties than combinations of varying compounds. But a study conducted in the year 2015 by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has shown the contrary. The title of the study was “Overcoming the Bell-Shaped Dose-Response of cannabidiol by making use of marijuana extract enriched in cannabidiol. Over time, when the use of cannabidiol happens, after reaching a particular climax the therapeutic effects taper off.

The study has proved that when the utilization of the entire extract takes place. The tapering-off effect is overcome. It refers that the healing effect is more prolonged and powerful.

Given below is a list of some common terpenes. You could have expectations for finding some of the common strains of marijuana.

Common Terpenes


By far Myrcene is the most abundant terpene which you will find in the marijuana, for the plant. It comes with some of those strains that comprise 60% of total terpene content. This thing is also common in lemongrass and mangoes. It comes with a distinct earthy scent and you can say it is skunky. Most marijuana strains come with a hint of the myrcene scent.

Dr. Ethan Russo who is a very famous researcher in the field of cannabis has conducted a study on mice in 2011. This study has shown that myrcene comes with both sedative as well as anti-inflammatory effects. There was another study
conducted in the year 2015 by The University of Coimbra in Portugal. This study has revealed that myrcene possesses anti-catabolic effects. It signifies that it does the prevention from the breakdown of cartilage. Along with this, it slows down the progression of arthritis.

Myrcene also potentiates the effects of THC at the CB1 receptor by enhancing saturation. Finally, a study published in Aromatic Science has shown that myrcene assists in the prevention of peptic ulcer disease.


Pinene comes with two structural isomers. These are mainly a-pinene & ß-pinene. Mostly, you will find these in fir & pine trees, as well as marijuana. As its name suggests, the smell of these is as pine. As these are similar to myrcene, these are having potent anti-inflammatory properties. A huge number of studies have shown that pinene possesses broncho-dilator properties. It may come in handy for the treatment of symptoms of asthma.

Pine also inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. And it assists in the improvement of memory. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) becomes the reason for short-term memory loss. When combines with Pinene, the effect of this may result in reducing.

Another study conducted by Guangdong University has shown that pinene possesses anti-tumor effects.


Limonene is a necessary terpene. The reason is that it assists in the absorption of other terpenes. The aroma is reminiscent of citrus fruits. And it follows that this terp is sufficient in rinding of citrus fruits. You can also find it in juniper, rosemary, and peppermint.

Limonene is widely popular as a mood elevator and you can make use of it for the treatment of depression. It also comes with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. At last, it might be useful for the stimulation of weight loss.


Linalool comes with an appealing floral scent along with some spicy undertones. The Kush family of marijuana strains has a sufficient of this terp. Mostly, the use of it happens in aromatherapy. The reason is its sedating & mood alleviating properties. One can also make use of it for the treatment of seizures and convulsions. It is particularly when it combines with cannabidiol. When it combines with THC, this terp assists in countering symptoms of paranoia and anxiety.

Linalool has also been shown for reducing lung inflammation caused by cigarette smoking. You might wonder if this similar inflammation does not occur because of smoking marijuana, unlike smoking cigarettes. There are numerous ways for doing consumption of marijuana that do not include combustion.

Linalool is also responsible for boosting the immune system by activating immune cell pathways. At last, linalool does the formation of the building blocks for Vitamin E.


Caryophyllene is a kind of spicy terpene that has a sufficient amount of black pepper. A whiff may send which serves you with coughing bouts a bit in an easy way. It is similar to humulene in the structural form. Humulene is another terpene that comes with a woody scent.

Caryophyllene comes with anti-anxiety as well as anti-inflammatory properties. There is an interesting finding which is terpene might be beneficial for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. You can also find it in spices. For instance, cloves & basil. It is the only terpene that is capable of binding to the CB1 receptor.

The Fine/ Rosenfeld pain study has shown that there are some benefits of this terpene for the treatment of chronic pain. However, these things also result in some side effects. There are uses of marijuana compounds in the management of chronic pain. For instance, in cancer, it may serve as a favorable substitute for opioids which comes with remarkable side effects.


You can only find this terpene in Sativa strains. It might be extremely assisting in the treatment of asthma. Numerous studies have also shown that it comes with immunosuppressive properties. It might be helpful in the treatment of auto-immune conditions.


This humulene terpene comes with a musky aroma which you can describe as earthy. There are some people which mistake it for the scent which the myrcene serves. And it is the most abundant terpene. It is sufficient in hops and the use of it happens in beer fermentation. Studies have revealed that this terpene comes with anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial properties. This anti-inflammatory property is useful in the alleviation of allergic inflammation of the airways.

There is also speculation that humulene comes with the effects of appetite suppressants. These are quite the contrary to the munchies induced by THC. There is also an abundant amount of Humulene in coriander.


Ocimene is sufficient in Sativa strains, and you can find it in mint, marjoram, parsley, and tarragon. It comes with potent cerebral effects. And it may also work well in deculturation of the mind along with serving with an uplifted feeling. It is
also a widely popular expectorant & decongestant. Ocimene is also possessing an herbaceous aroma.


There is not much awareness about this terpene. There is a suspicion that this terp comes with anti-inflammatory properties. It may also assist in the treatment of neuropathic pain.


This terpene comes with a floral aroma. And most often there is an inclusion of it in the ingredient list of floral perfumes. This in turn makes it a favorite for aromatherapy. This terpineol terpene is a kind of mood uplifter along with being sedative. This terpene also comes with anti-malarial properties.


This terpinolene terpene is most often confusing for terpineol. But, there is a little difference between these two. When we talk about similarities, the use of these two happens in scenting soaps and perfumes. However, terpinolene is a central nervous system depressant and it may be the reason for your drowsiness. This terpinolene is very common in rosemary & sage.


Camphene is possessing the smell of damp woodlands and it is most useful in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. It is particularly useful in lowering bad cholesterol levels & triglycerides. It is present in camphor oil & you can make use of it for flavoring foods.


This phellandrene is a kind of rare terpene that comes with the scent of peppermint. There was the use of it in traditional medicines for relieving digestive issues. You can find it in the necessary oils. Along with this, it is responsible for the scent of these oils. Skin can easily absorb it. And mostly there is the incorporation of it in skincare products.


You can mostly find Delta-3 carene in oils, for instance, cypress oil & juniper. It comes with anti-cholinergic effects & one can make use of it for drying out secretions. This Carene is not a favorable terp and it can become the reason for coughing & irritation.


Pulegone possesses an aroma of peppermint and it is useful in the treatment of insomnia and fevers. It can also improve communication between nerve cells. It might be useful in the alleviation of symptoms of short-term memory loss. And this might happen as an outcome of THC. One can also make use of it as an insecticide.


It is a rare terpene that you can find in spices & some kind of necessary oils. It comes with anti-oxidative as well as anti-inflammatory properties.


Geraniol comes with a sweet scent. And usually, it has incorporated in bath soaps & foams. It is also popular as beta geraniol & lemon. There is also an addition of it to cigarettes for the improvement of the scent & flavor. One study has revealed that this geraniol possesses anti-tumor effects.


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