Cannabis Laws in Tasmania


The cultivation of marijuana is an offense in Tasmania. It is not the case when a person who has a license for growing cannabis for medicinal purposes does it under the federal licensing scheme.

In this article, you will know about the Cannabis Laws in Tasmania which you must know if you are a resident of Tasmania, Australia. We will lay special emphasis on amusement smoking and the growing of marijuana for personal use.

Penalties & Units

Tasmania might appear like a hipple Island paradise to some outsiders, but its looks can be misleading.

The cannabis laws applicable in Tasmania are among the strictest laws applicable in the country. However, the complete extent of the penalties on the books are reached very scarcely, but it is something about which we must be concerned a bit.

It seems that the authorities of Tasmania have picked some tricks from the mainland also. The reason is that they rely on the same penalty system which is applicable in Victoria.

Penalty Units serve with a measure of all penalties or fines imposed for offenses in Tasmania. The value of those fines is raised each year with inflation. The value of one penalty unit in 2019 was equal to $159.

Most of the offenses related to marijuana in Tasmania will attribute a combined maximum of penalty units and imprisonment. These offenses are inclusive of possession of cannabis or smoking supplements. These also include usage, sale or supply, and cultivation of marijuana in Tasmania. The penalties are different in most states. These are particularly on the basis of the quantities of cannabis and your purpose of use. The purpose of use refers to whether it is for personal use or for trafficking.

Possession of Cannabis

Tasmania follows the laws of other states. But when we talk about offenses related to cannabis possession, they are a little different from others. It is not only illicit to possess cannabis in Tasmania, but it is also illicit to possess any appliance, utensil, or any other thing designed particularly for the preparation, taking administration, inhalation, or smoking of cannabis. Under the Misuse of Drugs Act, Section 23, it includes anything constructed or modified for the purposes mentioned above.

The major hurdle with this provision is the especially indistinct nature of it. Most of the police officers and courts will not think about charging you for any purpose like this. It is particularly until they have found you with anything more serious. However, it is a powerful weapon in their weaponry. If you don’t remain careful, they have the authority to catch you off with this.

In most states, a misplaced bong is a harmless mistake. But, in Tasmania, you could get charged for this. The maximum fine imposed for possessing such a component is $7950 or 50 penalty units.

Fortunately, the penalties for possessing marijuana are not that much serious, but yet that maximum fine is sufficient for shocking you. The maximum penalty for possessing cannabis is 50 penalty units and/or imprisonment of 2 years.

If someone is caught with less than 50 grams of marijuana, then he will be issued discretion. It facilitates you to get devoid of further charges. But, you have to take this thing into consideration that you might not be issued more than 3 cautions over a period of 10 years.

Trafficking & Cultivation of Cannabis

Tasmania is extremely strict about the trafficking and cultivation of cannabis. Trafficking of marijuana is an illicit offense in Tasmania which will be dealt with under Supreme Court in the state. Trafficable quantities of marijuana are those that can not be more than 25 grams of oil resin. These also can’t be more than 20 plants or 1 kilogram of plant material. Smaller penalties are there for these kinds of cases even when these are inclusive of commercial-level quantities.

A person who cultivates possesses, and uses a lesser amount of cannabis than this will have to face a maximum penalty of 50 units and 2 years of imprisonment.

Anyone who sells smaller quantities of cannabis will have to face a maximum penalty of 100 units and 4 years of imprisonment.

In all these kinds of cases, the courts of Tasmania are having the huge authority of demanding the forfeiture of property that is associated with or which is achieved as a result of any of these offenses. These things are stated in the Crime (Confiscation of Profits) Act 1993.